A Bandero
The Banderos are Crags native to the Ridgeback Highlands. There are eight Banderos in the game.
Sprocket information[]
Banderos: Intro: The Banderos are native to Paydirt Summit. Their ancestors were outlaws amongst the Crags, stealing ore and holding up supply ships. For this, their ancestors were not granted refuge in Nidaria.
Banderos: Mining: The exiled Banderos took over the mines when the Crag miners fled for Nidaria. Years ago, when Haze and Mimics spread rapidly through the mines, they barricaded the doors and retreated to their camps on Paydirt Summit.
Quest relevance[]
- In Tramway Repair (MD0309), the player must deliver Cable Car Brake Pads to all of the Banderos.
- In Medical Supplies (SV0001), the player must deliver First Aid Kits to all of the Banderos.
List of Banderos[]
- Bandero Arkose
- Bandero Chert
- Bandero Flint
- Bandero Gabbro
- Bandero Grit
- Bandero Marl
- Bandero Skarn
- Bandero Slate
- All of the Banderos' names are names of types of rock, most of which are sedimentary.
- Cody is on good terms with the Banderos.
- Banderos are not fond of helping Nidarians due to the fact that they were not allowed on Nidaria.