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Remnants of Skystone Wiki

Daily quests are quests that are given by a specific NPC daily, and the quest can change each day even though it has the same specific quest number. Daily Quests, as inferred by the name, can only be done once daily, and most daily quests are given to Nidarian Guard members. Some daily quests are available to non-members, though only a few.

Also note that daily quests can only be completed once per account per day in most circumstances. For example, if you have completed the Golembombers in Steamport City quest on your first character, you will not be able to complete it on the same day as you do on your second or third characters.

Feel free to check the Daily Maps page if you're looking for the maps of Spice Traders related quests.

If you're looking for today's Dailies, a table of NG-only Dailies is available here.

Trailblazing Quest[]

There are a total of 4 different trailblazing quests, the one from Lieutenant Driscoll is available to all players and asks to trailblaze with 10 different players; the other three listed below ask to trailblaze with 5 different players of a specific class and are exclusive to Nidarian Guard members. Each of the quests also awards an exclusive Sprocket on first time completion.

Rows in yellow are NG-only.

Quest Name Giver Giver's Location Co-op with: Reward Awarded Sprocket NG?
Trailblazing Decathlon (LD0004) Lt. Driscoll Nidaria 10 Players 4 Brass Symbol, 10 NP Skystone 101: Trailblazing No
Trailblazing with Aeronauts (RSP0001) Rook Spencer Gearlock Factory 5 Aeronauts 8 Brass Symbol The Rooks: Rook Spencer Yes
Trailblazing with Ferrics (FTW0001) Firethorn Camp Calluna 5 Ferrics 8 Brass Symbol Calluan Warriors: Firethorn Yes
Trailblazin' with Crags (CD0001) Cody Deadrock Canyon 5 Crags 8 Brass Symbol Cody: Intro Yes

Jar Collection Quests[]

This series of quests is also avaiable to free members. The objective is to find one Empty Jar in one of the three main zones of the game so that the quest giver can fill it up with a particular spice for Cecilia's recipes; to access each of these quests, the player has to clear all the main missions in the related zone. There are 10 different spices and so 10 different quests for each of the 3 quest givers: Rook Edwards in Steamport City (ID: ED0001), Leatherleaf in Hatchwood Wilds (ID: LL0001), and Bandero Skarn in Ridgeback Highlands (ID: SK0001).

Even though there are 10 types of spices, the jar quests have a 14 days pattern (but the locations are still randomized). Yellow background marks the spices that are just needed for NG recipes. Each spice appears 4 times each in a full cycle, except for Cinnamon, which appears 3 times, while Cocoa Powder, Oregano and Paprika appears 5 times each. Notice that there are 4 different recipes for each spice, except for Paprika and Sugar, which have 5 recipes each.

# Week-Day Steamport Hatchwood Ridgeback
1 Sunday #1 Vanilla Paprika Oregano
2 Monday #1 Basil Ground Pepper Flour
3 Tuesday #1 Cinnamon Salt Vanilla
4 Wednesday #1 Cocoa Powder Sugar Basil
5 Thursday #1 Oregano Flour Cinnamon
6 Friday #1 Paprika Vanilla Cocoa Powder
7 Saturday #1 Ground Pepper Basil Oregano
8 Sunday #2 Salt Cinnamon Paprika
9 Monday #2 Sugar Cocoa Powder Ground Pepper
10 Tuesday #2 Flour Oregano Salt
11 Wednesday #2 Cocoa Powder Paprika Sugar
12 Thursday #2 Vanilla Ground Pepper Flour
13 Friday #2 Oregano Salt Paprika
14 Saturday #2 Cocoa Powder Sugar Basil

Completing for the first time each of the three types of quests also awards a Sprocket. A full list of jar-related quests is shown in the scheme below:

Quest Giver Rook Edwards Leatherleaf Bandero Skarn
Location Steamport City Hatchwood Wilds Ridgeback Highlands
Awarded Sprocket The Rooks: Rook Edwards Calluan Warriors: Leatherleaf Banderos: Skarn
Quest ID ED0001 LL0001 SK0001
Spice Quest Names
Basil Basil Shipment! A Gift of Basil A Fistful of Basil
Cinnamon Cinnamon Shipment! A Gift of Cinnamon A Fistful of Cinnamon
Cocoa Powder Cocoa Powder Shipment! A Gift of Cocoa Powder A Fistful of Cocoa Powder
Flour Flour Shipment! A Gift of Flour A Fistful of Flour
Ground Pepper Ground Pepper Shipment! A Gift of Ground Pepper A Fistful of Ground Pepper
Oregano Oregano Shipment! A Gift of Oregano A Fistful of Oregano
Paprika Paprika Shipment! A Gift of Paprika A Fistful of Paprika
Salt Salt Shipment! A Gift of Salt A Fistful of Salt
Sugar Sugar Shipment! A Gift of Sugar A Fistful of Sugar
Vanilla Vanilla Shipment! A Gift of Vanilla A Fistful of Vanilla

From Otto von Tesla[]

Otto von Tesla's daily quests are marked with the OT0008 ID and they consist in defeating 20 Golembombers in each of the 3 main zones of the game. That means that Tesla can offer just 3 quests that cycle continously. Those quests are just avaiable to Nidarian Guard members and also award a Sprocket when completing any of them for the first time.

First time completion reward for OT0008: New Sprocket (Boss Mimics: Golembomber)

From Madame Bristlecone[]

The daily quests from Madame Bristlecone are all marked with the MB0007 ID and they are just avaiable for Nidarian Guard members. There are 7 different types (one for each day of the week) and they ask the player to collect 12 particular plants in a certain zone of the game. Some of those quests also award the player with a Sprocket on first time completition.

Yellow quests are quests that reward a sprocket.

Week-Day Quest Name Location Awarded Items Awarded Sprocket
Sunday Fireweed Foraging Charred Forest Cold Cream, Vimvigor's Salve -
Monday Mint Sage Foraging Paydirt Summit Aromatic Spirits, Mentholated Vapor Cures: Drained Cures
Tuesday Honeysuckle Foraging Camp Calluna Snake Oil, Bear Filtrate -
Wednesday Dandelion Foraging West End Ruins Dandelion Fizz (6) -
Thursday Enoki Foraging Copperstone Mine Deionized Dust, Talcum Astringent Cures: Shocked Cures
Friday Liverwort Foraging Thicket Woods Acid Phosphate, Wormwood Tonic -
Saturday Prickly Pear Foraging Deadrock Canyon Wishbone Marrow, Clover Extract Cures: Jinxed Cures

From Lana Westwood[]

Lana Westwood's Daily Quests are marked with the LW0006 and exclusive to Nidarian Guard members. They ask the player to collect 12 pieces of clothing in a particular zone of the game; they are sometimes worn by a Mimic, requiring the player to kill them before collecting the item. There are a total of 28 quests, that cycle continously: they are divided in 4 groups of 7, featuring 7 different pieces of clothing ever time. Completing any of those quests for the first time also rewards the player with a Sprocket.

First time completion reward for LW0006: New Sprocket (Skystone 101: Brass)

Table is colored by area the clothing can be found in:

# Week-Day Quest Name Location Lost Clothes Worn by Brass Symbol
1 Sunday #1 Shirts in the Factory Gearlock Factory Lana Ringer Tee - 6
2 Monday #1 Jackets in Camp Calluna Camp Calluna Aeronaut Bomber - 10
3 Tuesday #1 Bags in the Mines Copperstone Mine Fungicide Bag Pale Steed 14
4 Wednesday #1 Hats in the Charred Forest Charred Forest Brown Top Hat - 10
5 Thursday #1 Chaps in the Sewer Steamport Sewers Crag Chaps - 6
6 Friday #1 Boots in the Canyon Deadrock Canyon Climbing Boots - 14
7 Saturday #1 Socks in the Ruins West End Ruins Pink Socks Pugcrawler 10
8 Sunday #2 Bags on the Summit Paydirt Summit Fungicide Bag - 14
9 Monday #2 Jackets in the Woods Thicket Woods Aeronaut Bomber Pustosser 12
10 Tuesday #2 Hats in the Factory Gearlock Factory Brown Top Hat - 6
11 Wednesday #2 Pants in Camp Calluna Camp Calluna Crag Chaps - 10
12 Thursday #2 Boots in the Charred Forest Charred Forest Climbing Boots Stinkstrider 14
13 Friday #2 Shirts in the Mines Copperstone Mine Lana Ringer Tee - 12
14 Saturday #2 Socks in the Sewer Steamport Sewers Pink Socks - 6
15 Sunday #3 Hats on the Summit Paydirt Summit Brown Top Hat Rockbug 14
16 Monday #3 Chaps in the Canyon Deadrock Canyon Crag Chaps - 14
17 Tuesday #3 Boots in the Ruins West End Ruins Climbing Boots - 6
18 Wednesday #3 Bags in the Woods Thicket Woods Fungicide Bag - 10
19 Thursday #3 Socks in the Factory Gearlock Factory Pink Socks - 6
20 Friday #3 Jackets in the Charred Forest Charred Forest Aeronaut Bomber -
21 Saturday #3 Shirts in the Camp Camp Calluna Lana Ringer Tee Swampfoot 14
22 Sunday #4 Boots in the Mines Copperstone Mine Climbing Boots - 12
23 Monday #4 Jackets in the Sewer Steamport Sewers Aeronaut Bomber - 6
24 Tuesday #4 Socks in the Canyon Deadrock Canyon Pink Socks - 14
25 Wednesday #4 Shirts on the Summit Paydirt Summit Lana Ringer Tee - 14
26 Thursday #4 Chaps in the Woods Thicket Woods Crag Chaps Bulkskin 12
27 Friday #4 Bags in the Ruins West End Ruins Fungicide Bag - 6
28 Saturday #4 Hats in the Sewer Steamport Sewers Brown Top Hat - 6

From Cypress[]

Sightings! Quests is a group of Nidarian Guard-exclusive Daily Quests given by Cypress and marked with the CY0003 ID. Each quest requires you to kill a specific number of one Rare Mimic in one specific subarea. The rewards for each of these quests are 10 Link=Brass (currency) Brass, 25 XP, and 2 Beverages specific to that Mimic's Sightings! quests. Besides the Mimicology Quest, these quests are the only way to farm each of these Mimics. It also rewards an exclusive Sprocket when completing any of them for the first time.

First time completion reward for CY0003: New Sprocket (Mimicology: Intro)

Table is colored by Mimic studied:

# Week-Day Quest Name Location Mimic Qty Item Reward
1 Sunday #1 Turbine Sightings! Deadrock Canyon Turbine 30 Egg Lime Fizz
2 Monday #1 Trenchfoot Sightings! West End Ruins Trenchfoot 20 Earl Grey Tea
3 Tuesday #1 Coaltosser Sightings! Charred Forest Coaltosser 25 Earl Grey Tea
4 Wednesday #1 Harpoon Sightings! Paydirt Summit Harpoon 30 Earl Grey Tea
5 Thursday #1 Shocksprite Sightings! Gearlock Factory Shocksprite 30 Egg Lime Fizz
6 Friday #1 Haghost Sightings! Camp Calluna Haghost 15 Boiled Cider
7 Saturday #1 Cinder Steed Sightings! Copperstone Mine Cinder Steed 20 Earl Grey Tea
8 Sunday #2 Harpoon Sightings! Thicket Woods Harpoon 15 Earl Grey Tea
9 Monday #2 Coaltosser Sightings! Steamport Sewers Coaltosser 20 Earl Grey Tea
10 Tuesday #2 Trenchfoot Sightings! Paydirt Summit Trenchfoot 20 Earl Grey Tea
11 Wednesday #2 Turbine Sightings! Gearlock Factory Turbine 20 Egg Lime Fizz
12 Thursday #2 Cinder Steed Sightings! Camp Calluna Cinder Steed 15 Earl Grey Tea
13 Friday #2 Haghost Sightings! Copperstone Mine Haghost 10 Boiled Cider
14 Saturday #2 Shocksprite Sightings! West End Ruins Shocksprite 30 Egg Lime Fizz
15 Sunday #3 Coaltosser Sightings! Copperstone Mine Coaltosser 25 Earl Grey Tea
16 Monday #3 Turbine Sightings! Charred Forest Turbine 20 Egg Lime Fizz
17 Tuesday #3 Harpoon Sightings! Gearlock Factory Harpoon 15 Earl Grey Tea
18 Wednesday #3 Haghost Sightings! Paydirt Summit Haghost 15 Boiled Cider
19 Thursday #3 Shocksprite Sightings! Charred Forest Shocksprite 30 Egg Lime Fizz
20 Friday #3 Cinder Steed Sightings! Thicket Woods Cinder Steed 15 Earl Grey Tea
21 Saturday #3 Trenchfoot Sightings! Copperstone Mine Trenchfoot 15 Earl Grey Tea
22 Sunday #4 Shocksprite Sightings! Camp Calluna Shocksprite 25 Egg Lime Fizz
23 Monday #4 Haghost Sightings! West End Ruins Harpoon 12 Boiled Cider
24 Tuesday #4 Trenchfoot Sightings! Deadrock Canyon Trenchfoot 20 Earl Grey Tea
25 Wednesday #4 Harpoon Sightings! Charred Forest Haghost 15 Earl Grey Tea
26 Thursday #4 Coaltosser Sightings! Gearlock Factory Coaltosser 15 Earl Grey Tea
27 Friday #4 Cinder Steed Sightings! Steamport Sewers Cinder Steed 12 Earl Grey Tea
28 Saturday #4 Turbine Sightings! Thicket Woods Turbine 20 Egg Lime Fizz

From Cecilia[]

Cecilia offers 2 quests every day, each of them asks the player to collect 2 of the main and the secondary ingredients (which may be food dropped by Mimics or vegetables obtained by Gardening) and a Spice, which are obtained through Jar Collection Quests. The quest marked with the CC0001 ID is avaiable to everyone, while the CC0002 is exclusive to Nidarian Guard members. Completing any of these quests awards 5 helpings of the related recipe and some Brass (3 for CC0001 and 6 for CC0002). Completing any of the quests for each group for the first time also awards a Sprocket.

Table notation: Yellow ingredients are vegetables that must be grown. Pink rows are recipes that do not include vegetables.

CC0001 Quests[]

First time completion reward for CC0001: New Sprocket (Baking: Intro)

# Week-Day Quest Awarded Recipe Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Spice
1 Sunday #1 Potato Salad (CC0001) Potato Salad Potato Onion Paprika
2 Monday #1 Carrot Cake (CC0001) Carrot Cake Carrot Sweet Makopa Cinnamon
3 Tuesday #1 Trailhead Salad (CC0001) Trailhead Salad Fiddlehead Fern Milkweed Pod Oregano
4 Wednesday #1 Treetop Pesto (CC0001) Treetop Pesto Wild Spruce Tip Radish Basil
5 Thursday #1 Tasty Crag Cakes (CC0001) Tasty Crag Cake Fresh Longans Dragon Fruit Cocoa Powder
6 Friday #1 Orchard Gumbo (CC0001) Orchard Gumbo Ackee Fruit Sweet Makopa Paprika
7 Saturday #1 Twice Baked Beans (CC0001) Twice-Baked Beans Bean Fiddlehead Fern Cinnamon
8 Sunday #2 Stuffed Sizzlers (CC0001) Stuffed Sizzler Jalapeno Pepper Potato Oregano
9 Monday #2 Silkstring Pasta (CC0001) Silk String Pasta Tomato Ackee Fruit Basil
10 Tuesday #2 Tundra Cream (CC0001) Tundra Cream Ripe Cloudberry Ripe Pawpaw Cocoa Powder
11 Wednesday #2 Dugout Chips (CC0001) Dugout Chips Radish Bean Paprika
12 Thursday #2 Harvest Moon Pie (CC0001) Harvest Moon Pie Pumpkin Ripe Cloudberry Cinnamon
13 Friday #2 Dragon Fries (CC0001) Dragon Fries Dragon Fruit Potato Oregano
14 Saturday #2 Calluan Greens (CC0001) Calluan Green Fiddlehead Fern Jalapeno Pepper Basil
15 Sunday #3 Pawdaddy Cream Pie (CC0001) Pawdaddy Cream Pie Ripe Pawpaw Wild Spruce Tip Cocoa Powder
16 Monday #3 Three Layer Dip (CC0001) Three-Layer Dip Bean Onion Paprika
17 Tuesday #3 Crispy Sweet Rolls (CC0001) Crispy Sweet Roll Wild Sweetsop Wild Huckleberries Cinnamon
18 Wednesday #3 Island Lasagna Rolls (CC0001) Island Lasagna Rolls Ackee Fruit Tomato Oregano
19 Thursday #3 Radish Soup (CC0001) Radish Soup Radish Potato Basil
20 Friday #3 Rook Cookies (CC0001) Rook Cookie Ginger Fresh Longans Cocoa Powder
21 Saturday #3 Splitpod Soup (CC0001) Split Pod Soup Milkweed Pod Carrot Paprika

CC0002 Quests[]

CC0002 is Nidarian Guard Exclusive!

First time completion reward for CC0002: New Sprocket (Baking: Cecilia)

# Week-Day Quest Awarded Recipe Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Spice
1 Sunday #1 Ginger Bread (CC0002) Gingerbread Ginger Pumpkin Sugar
2 Monday #1 Chili (CC0002) Chili Turmeric Bean Ground Pepper
3 Tuesday #1 Bluebeard Pancakes (CC0002) Bluebeard Pancakes Wild Huckleberries Ripe Pawpaw Vanilla
4 Wednesday #1 Homemade Sweetloaf (CC0002) Homemade Sweetloaf Wild Sweetsop Jalapeno Pepper Salt
5 Thursday #1 Party Pizza (CC0002) Party Pizza Onion Tomato Flour
6 Friday #1 Very Berry Jam (CC0002) Very Berry Jam Wild Huckleberries Ripe Cloudberry Sugar
7 Saturday #1 Dragon Breath Salsa (CC0002) Dragonbreath Salsa Dragon Fruit Turmeric Ground Pepper
8 Sunday #2 Pinecone Snaps (CC0002) Pinecone Snaps Wild Spruce Tip Ginger Vanilla
9 Monday #2 Spicy Wedgers (CC0002) Spicy Wedgers Potato Turmeric Salt
10 Tuesday #2 Carrot Souffle (CC0002) Carrot Souffle Carrot Ackee Fruit Flour
11 Wednesday #2 Ripe Spring Salad (CC0002) Ripe Spring Salad Sweet Makopa Wild Sweetsop Sugar
12 Thursday #2 Forest Casserole (CC0002) Forest Casserole Milkweed Pod Wild Spruce Tip Ground Pepper
13 Friday #2 Fruitfluff Crepes (CC0002) Fruit Fluff Crepes Sweet Makopa Wild Huckleberries Vanilla
14 Saturday #2 Onion Rings (CC0002) Onion Rings Onion Ginger Salt
15 Sunday #3 Tangy Pod Taco (CC0002) Tangy Pod Taco Turmeric Milkweed Pod Flour
16 Monday #3 Nimbus Parfait (CC0002) Nimbus Parfait Ripe Cloudberry Fresh Longans Sugar
17 Tuesday #3 Sizzling Stir-fry (CC0002) Sizzling Stirfry Jalapeno Radish Ground Pepper
18 Wednesday #3 Parrot Cake (CC0002) Parrot Cake Pumpkin Carrot Vanilla
19 Thursday #3 Red River Soup (CC0002) Red River Soup Tomato Fiddlehead Fern Salt
20 Friday #3 Deep Fried Pawich (CC0002) Deep-Fried Pawich Ripe Pawpaw Dragon Fruit Flour
21 Saturday #3 Eye Spy Pudding (CC0002) Eye-Spy Pudding Fresh Longans Pumpkin Sugar